In the classroom Looking to add career topics to your class? We can talk to your class about a variety of career related topics. We have standard topics we cover, such as resume writing and interview preparation, and we can also work with you to create new programs that meet your needs. Just click on “Request a Workshop Here”
In Office Hours Advising students with career questions Working with a student who needs career advice, internship help, or a resume critique? We can help! This website is a resource for you and your students for career information. Encourage your students to set their preferences on this site to get the latest information on areas they are interested in. Also encourage them to make an appointment with a Career Advisor to help them with their career questions and plans.
We are here to help you so please reach out of you need any assistance.
On September 27th, the Career and Professional Development Office hosted a Handshake Overview. This platform is where students can search for Jobs and Internships. When students come to you with questions, please refer to this
Additionally, students can participate …
By Sarah Gelfand
Sarah GelfandAssistant Director of Career Education
University at Albany’s Internship & Living Stipend Program (ILSP) provides financial support to matriculating University at Albany Students with unpaid or underpaid internships, fieldwork, or other approved experiential learning opportunities.
By Albert Maya (He/His)
Albert Maya (He/His)Assistant Director for Student Employment
The Career Champions Admin team is delighted to announce our newest Career Champions who completed the August 2024 synchronous challenge!
Chris Wessell– Adjunct Lecturer, Management- Massry School of Business, Ting Wang, PhD- Assistant Professor- Department of Chemistry,Aleksandra Kovacheva, …
By Sarah Gelfand
Sarah GelfandAssistant Director of Career Education
Introducing new resources to help you add Career Development and Career Readiness topics to your courses! This first version of a Career Curriculum is targeted at first-year students but much of it is applicable for all students. It includes class …
By Cathy Parker (She/Her)
Cathy Parker (She/Her)Associate Director of Career Education
The Career and Professional Development team is proud to support faculty as they work to incorporate career topics into the classroom and in conversations. This resource guide describes the numerous ways we can help!