Danes in NYC
After a two-year hiatus, Great Danes In NYC company site visits is Coming Back! In-Person for January 2023! We’re hopeful that as a partner who hosted UAlbany students for in-person company site visits in the past, that you would Ready, Willing, and Able to partner with us again to provide students with a unique in-person experience. Additionally, if you have never hosted an in-person site visit but have done so virtually or have expressed interest in hosting in-person, this is for your as well. If you have any questions or would like to discuss details before completing the form, we would be more than happy to do so, and you can contact Roberto Peguero at rpeguero@albany.edu.
Please see the link to the form below and complete. The expectation would be to host no more than one session; but we suggest selecting more than one date and time slot as this will allow us flexibility in schedule management. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Once again, thank you for all that you do for UAlbany students.