The Asia Section covers Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific, including U.S. bilateral political and security relations in the region and multilateral affairs. The ideal candidate will have formal education, training, and/or experience conducting research on Asia, particularly Indo-Pacific security affairs OR South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific affairs and U.S. political and security relations with the region. The ideal candidate is expected to possess and enhance over time the skills necessary to provide legislative analysis and consultation to congressional committees, Members, and staff at increasingly sophisticated levels. The analyst may support research undertaken throughout CRS.
CRS works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. As a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress, CRS is a valued and respected resource on Capitol Hill.
CRS is well known for analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective and nonpartisan. Its highest priority is to ensure that Congress has immediate access to the nation’s best thinking on public policy issues of interest to its Members and Committees.
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workforce that ensures the Service is well positioned to anticipate and meet the information and analytical research needs of a 21st-century Congress.
Prepares a variety of analytical, descriptive and background reports, memoranda, and written materials on subjects or public policy issues within the employee’s designated areas of responsibility to support congressional decision-making.
Through personal consultation, assists committees, Members, and staff with consideration of legislative issues by providing information and analysis, and applying professional subject-area knowledge.
Participates in CRS seminars, workshops, and/or outreach programs for committees, Members, and staff. Locates and provides information requested by Members and committees of Congress or their staff.
Applicants should have experience conducting sophisticated analysis of Asian affairs and U.S. relations with the region; knowledge of the U.S. legislative branch and its operations; and the ability to work as part of a collaborative team. The work can require rapid response to emerging policy issues during active legislative processes. The ideal candidate will have a solid background in Asian affairs, particularly Indo-Pacific security affairs OR South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific affairs and U.S. political and security relations with the region, and the ability to apply such knowledge in a legislative context. Professional experience analyzing or implementing policy and legislation is preferred. Strong research, analysis, writing, and presentation skills are essential, and applicants with an advanced degree in regional studies, international relations, national security policy, history, economics, foreign languages, or similar discipline are strongly encouraged to apply.
The analyst will prepare authoritative, objective, and nonpartisan analytical studies and descriptive and background reports and other products that analyze Asian affairs and U.S. relations with the region; provide personal consultation and assistance to congressional committees, Members, and staff on Asian affairs and U.S. relations with the region throughout the legislative process; and participate in team research projects and seminars.