Did you know?:
According to Handshake, students who have completed their profiles in Handshake are 2.5x more likely to see and apply for relevant opportunities and 80% of students who fill out their profile are more likely to get messaged by a recruiter. Let the platform do some of the heavy lifting for you!
The Career and Professional Development office is running a 5 Day Handshake Challenge from Monday, August 19 – Friday, November 1, 2024. Within that timeframe, students are encouraged to take steps to create a more robust profile. Only students who complete the challenge, their Handshake profile, and this form by November 1, will be entered for a chance to win one of our giveaways (ALL PROFILE STEPS NEED TO BE COMPLETE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A PRIZE). Shortly after the challenge ends, we will randomly choose 5 entries who have completed their profile to win a swag bag and notify them via school email.
How do you complete your profile?:
- Activate Handshake profile
- Upload resume
- Fill out profile (at least one work experience, organization, and skill) and job preferences (location, role and type)
- Add additional experiences
- Follow employers
See visual steps below: