Attention May 2024 graduates! Please take the First Destination Survey and let us know what your post-graduation plans are!
The article emphasizes the importance of expanding diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to include accessibility, particularly focusing on individuals with disabilities. The main points include:
Lastly, the article provides disability inclusion resources from the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on …
Reasonable accommodations are adjustments to a hiring process, work environment, or job responsibilities so an employee with disabilities can apply for or perform their job. Depending on the type of disability, accommodations can look many different ways — from transcription …
Read the Harvard Business Review’s article on how employers can recruit and support First Gen students:
The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) has developed resources to assist employers in developing and implementing internship and employment programs with an overall goal of recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing people with disabilities. To read more, …
The following are a few quick tips for getting approved quickly at the University of Albany. Many of these tips will also be useful for getting approved at other institutions.
The Importance of Trust Score
Many of the below tips …
Are you interviewing a student veteran for a job at your company? Congrats! Veterans bring a set of skills that can stand above the other students you are interviewing.
If you are like many hiring managers, you have limited experience …