Now that we’re in August, we’re getting closer to the start of the semester. Below are 7 actions students can take to get career-ready prior to and during the year:
1. Create a Career Plan: Write down a few career goals for the semester. Identify one or two actions for each goal that you can take in the next few weeks.
2. Update your Resume: Spend time updating your resume with recent experiences and skills, especially anything you did over the summer.
3. Research a Job or Internship: Find and bookmark a job or internship that interests you and note its application deadline.
4. Attend a Workshop or Seminar: Sign up for a career-related workshop, seminar, or webinar to grow your professional development.
5. Schedule a Meeting with a Career Advisor: Book an appointment with an advisor to get feedback on your resume, your career plans, etc.
6. Join a Student Organization: Attend the first meeting of a club or organization.
7. Practice a Soft/Essential Skill: Focus on improving a soft skill, such as public speaking or time management, by practicing it in everyday situations (National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Career Readiness Action Grid).
Taking these steps can help build momentum and gradually prepare students for more career development activities.