Intimidated by Job Descriptions?

When reading a job description, do you feel way too underqualified to even apply? Do you psych yourself out when you don’t meet every single checkmark? We’re here to help ease some of that anxiety!

Many job descriptions can be thought of as a “wish list”; meaning, in a perfect world, the hiring manager would get most of those qualifications from a candidate. However, almost no job candidate meets all of the qualification completely. So, don’t self-reject what could be a great role.

See additional tips below for reading a job description and assessing your suitability as a candidate:

  1. Read the qualifications and requirements: Look for the skills, experience, and education the employer wants. Ask yourself if you meet these criteria or have comparable qualifications.
  2. Analyze the job duties: Understand the main tasks and responsibilities. Can you perform these effectively based on your experience or transferable skills?
  3. Consider company culture: Look for clues about the company’s values and work environment in the job description. Do they align with your own values and work style?
  4. Assess your accomplishments: Compare your past achievements and experiences with the job requirements. Highlight relevant experiences that demonstrate your skills and strengths.
  5. Identify transferable skills: Even if you lack direct experience, consider skills from previous roles that can be applied to this position.
  6. Address gaps: If you have gaps in qualifications, think about how you can acquire or enhance the necessary skills within a reasonable timeframe.
  7. Research the company: Explore their website, news, and social media to understand their culture and mission. See if it aligns with your professional goals.
  8. Seek more information: If you have questions about the role or company, reach out to the employer or recruiter.

Remember, job descriptions are ideal criteria, but employers can be flexible. If you believe you can contribute value, it’s worth applying and emphasizing your strengths during the application process. The focus during the hiring process is to look for the right fit and experiences. If you can communicate those things in your application materials and interview, you’ll be getting a job offer in no time!

By Jessica Pugliese
Jessica Pugliese Assistant Director, Employer Relations